Privacy Policy
Table & Company, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) collects your personal information in order to provide you with various legal services. We comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information and strive to handle personal information in an appropriate manner.
Personal information is information that can be used to identify an individual by name, address, telephone number, age, e-mail address, or other description.
1. collection and use of personal information
In order to provide better service to our customers, we may ask for personal information from customers to the extent necessary for the following purposes. The personal information we receive will be used for the following purposes
- Application for surveys, campaigns, events, monitoring, etc.
- Shipping of products and gifts
- Answering questions and inquiries from customers
- Distribution of e-mail newsletters
- Delivery of materials to information requesters
2. management and protection of personal information
We will take sufficient care in the management and handling of your personal information. In order to provide higher quality services, we may outsource the handling of personal information. In such cases, we will oblige the subcontractor to manage personal information, maintain confidentiality, and ensure that information is not leaked in the subcontract agreement, etc., and will also provide necessary and appropriate supervision.
3. disclosure of personal information
When we receive a request from an individual to disclose his/her own personal information, we will promptly disclose the information. If we are unable to verify the identity of the person making the request, we will not disclose the information.
If there is an error in the content of personal information and the person requests correction, addition, or deletion of the information, we will promptly respond to the request after investigation.
If we are unable to confirm the identity of the person making the request, we will not comply with the request.
If you have any questions or inquiries regarding our handling of personal information, please contact us using the inquiry form on this page.
4. organization and structure
The representative (Toshio Aoyama) of the Company is responsible for the management of personal information and will implement appropriate management and continuous improvement of personal information.
5. changes to this policy
The content of this policy is subject to change. Unless otherwise specified by the Company, the revised policy will become effective from the time it is posted on this site.