フランク・ロイド・ライトRelated Articles
Wright’s architecture you can encounter in Japan – YODOKO Guest House Frank Lloyd Wright
Japan is the only country other than Wright's home country of the U.S. where Wright's famous buildings still exist in their original state. Of the three "Hyakunen Architectures" in Japan, I would like to introduce the YODOKO Guest House (former residence of the Yamamura family) in Ashiya, Hyogo Prefecture.
Frank Lloyd Wright
日本で出合えるライト建築-自由学園明日館 フランク・ロイド・ライト
日本には、ライトの設計した名建築が当初の姿のまま残っている。これは、本国アメリカ以外では日本しかない。3つある「百年建築」のうち、今回は東京 池袋の「自由学園明日館」をご紹介しよう。
If Frank Lloyd Wright designed a house in modern Japan: …… organic house
American architect Frank Lloyd Wright is well known in Japan for his design of the Imperial Hotel. Did you know that there is a housing brand that has legitimately inherited Wright's philosophy and is developing houses throughout Japan that will be lived in for generations to come? We would like you to experience the charm of "Organic House & reg;," the only one in Japan to be certified by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.
organic house
東西を俯瞰する眼-帝国ホテルとライト- 後編 帝国ホテル 東京
帝国ホテル 東京
Eyes Looking East and West: The Imperial Hotel and Wright Part I Imperial Hotel
Architect Frank Lloyd Wright designed the second main building of the Imperial Hotel, known as the Wright Building, which opened in 1923. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Wright Pavilion, we will explore the Imperial Hotel, which still retains strong traces of Wright's work.
Imperial Hotel