


ドン ペリニヨン ロゼから始まり、ブルゴーニュワインからシャトームートン・ロートシルトのビンテージワインまで、食事に合わせて希少なワインを楽しめます。アンティークコインに関する資産防衛術などのレクチャーも予定しているので、この機会にぜひご参加ください。

※『Nile’s NILE』に掲載した記事をWEB用に編集し再掲載しています

What is luxury?

What is luxury?

Questioning this has now become synonymous with confronting the times. We are now witnessing a transformation of values on a global scale.
Sustainable, SDGs, ESG...... these terms are becoming a natural part of our daily lives. Many brands and companies have already begun to take this stance, as individuals and society as a whole are expected to become more aware of the importance of sustainability. In "NILE PORT," we would like to rethink and re-present luxury in the current era, sharing our values with brands and readers who have a progressive awareness.