Wright’s architecture you can encounter in Japan – YODOKO Guest House

Japan is the only country other than Wright's home country of the U.S. where Wright's famous buildings still exist in their original state. Of the three "Hyakunen Architectures" in Japan, I would like to introduce the YODOKO Guest House (former residence of the Yamamura family) in Ashiya, Hyogo Prefecture.

Photo Satoru Seki Text Junko Chiba

Japan is the only country other than Wright's home country of the U.S. where Wright's famous buildings still exist in their original state. Of the three "Hyakunen Architectures" in Japan, I would like to introduce the YODOKO Guest House (former residence of the Yamamura family) in Ashiya, Hyogo Prefecture.

A long approach with a view of the building’s exterior leads to the main entrance.

YODOKO Guest House is a private residence designed by Wright as a villa for Taizaemon Yamamura, a sake brewer. Built on a hill overlooking the city of Ashiya, it was built in a staircase along the mountainside and is beautifully integrated with the landscape.

ヨドコウ迎賓館 屋上
From the rooftop balcony, you can see the Rokko mountain range, Ashiya city, and even Osaka Bay.

Wright’s character is evident in the incorporation of Japanese elements, such as the geometric carved Oya stone columns and walls and the intricate woodwork decoration.

ヨドコウ迎賓館 応接室
2The reception room on the first floor. The ornate Oya stone fireplace and columns are impressive. Since Wright returned to Japan without seeing the start of construction of the YODOKO Guest House, the actual construction was undertaken by his students, Arata Endo and Makoto Minami.

Jiyu Gakuen Asutumu-kan YODOKO Guest House introduced in this article.In addition to the YODOKO Guest House, there is another former residence of Aisaku Hayashi that is not open to the public.
Why not take a tour of “Wright architecture”? It is quite pleasant to spend a cultural moment while being blown by the wind of Taisho Romanticism.

YODOKO Guest House (Former Yamamura Family Residence)
3-10 Yamate-cho, Ashiya-shi, Hyogo
TEL 0797-38-1720

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