Eyes Looking East and West: The Imperial Hotel and Wright Part I

Architect Frank Lloyd Wright designed the second main building of the Imperial Hotel, known as the Wright Building, which opened in 1923. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Wright Pavilion, we will explore the Imperial Hotel, which still retains strong traces of Wright's work.

Photo Satoru Seki Text Junko Chiba

Architect Frank Lloyd Wright designed the second main building of the Imperial Hotel, known as the Wright Building, which opened in 1923. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Wright Pavilion, we will explore the Imperial Hotel, which still retains strong traces of Wright's work.

明治時代を中心とした歴史的建造物などを移築・ 保存・展示している博物館 明治村にあるライト館の中央玄関。開業当日に関東大震災に見舞われるも、被害は軽微。奇しくも造りの堅牢性が証明された。残念ながら、ライトは完成を見ずに後を弟子の遠藤新らに託し、日本を離れたが、ホテルは40年以上の“現役生活”を全うした。




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What is luxury?

What is luxury?

Questioning this has now become synonymous with confronting the times. We are now witnessing a transformation of values on a global scale.
Sustainable, SDGs, ESG...... these terms are becoming a natural part of our daily lives. Many brands and companies have already begun to take this stance, as individuals and society as a whole are expected to become more aware of the importance of sustainability. In "NILE PORT," we would like to rethink and re-present luxury in the current era, sharing our values with brands and readers who have a progressive awareness.