If Frank Lloyd Wright designed a house in modern Japan: ……

American architect Frank Lloyd Wright is well known in Japan for his design of the Imperial Hotel. Did you know that there is a housing brand that has legitimately inherited Wright's philosophy and is developing houses throughout Japan that will be lived in for generations to come? We would like you to experience the charm of "Organic House & reg;," the only one in Japan to be certified by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.

Text Asuka Kobata

American architect Frank Lloyd Wright is well known in Japan for his design of the Imperial Hotel. Did you know that there is a housing brand that has legitimately inherited Wright's philosophy and is developing houses throughout Japan that will be lived in for generations to come? We would like you to experience the charm of "Organic House & reg;," the only one in Japan to be certified by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.

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    ムーンストリーム/FSM 名古屋中央(ロイヤルウッド)
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    ムーンストリーム/FSM 名古屋中央(ロイヤルウッド)
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    コントレイル/FSM 沖縄南(大晋建設)
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    コントレイル/FSM 沖縄南(大晋建設)
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What is luxury?

What is luxury?

Questioning this has now become synonymous with confronting the times. We are now witnessing a transformation of values on a global scale.
Sustainable, SDGs, ESG...... these terms are becoming a natural part of our daily lives. Many brands and companies have already begun to take this stance, as individuals and society as a whole are expected to become more aware of the importance of sustainability. In "NILE PORT," we would like to rethink and re-present luxury in the current era, sharing our values with brands and readers who have a progressive awareness.